Monday, January 18, 2016

Reflections in the Mirror of a Distorted Mind I

She made me do it. I swear I didn't want to. This is not me. This is never me. I am different. But she… Helena. Always Helena. Eleni of old. Helen of not so old. A name that haunts the ages. In the beginning was Troy. And then it was me. And then came The Vampire Diaries. Funny, isn't it?


You were supposed to ask me questions. Come on. Ask away, or close, it matters not to me. Ask and I will answer. Honestly. Most of the time. What? My sentences are too short? Short. That's how they always were. I think. No. No, they were not. I remember now. But how can that be? How did I transform long sentences into short? People change, you say. You don't say.


What should I tell you? Whatever I want? Your job is to listen and mine to talk? But then why are you the one getting paid? You smile. Or you smirk. I can't tell. Can I have a drink? I always carry a flask full of vodka with me. No? Why not? It's not proper you say. But if things were proper I wouldn't be here, would I? Right? Don't sigh. You don't know anything about me yet. When you get to know me, and I'm not sure that you will, then you can sigh. Then you will want to sigh.


You say I should start at the beginning, but which beginning? The beginning of this session? Of my life? Of the rest of my life? Okay, I was born… But I guess you already knew that. Anyway, my family was rich. In idiots. My father was an idiot. My mother was a moron. My sister is bipolar and I think I have multiple-purpose disorder. No, not personality, purpose. I exist to fulfill many purposes.


Go on, laugh. You want to laugh. I can tell. I guess you meet crazy people all the time because of your practice. Oh, I always wanted to know, why do you call it practice and not job? I see. It doesn't make any sense, but anyway, if you say so… I think you need to sleep more. Those bags under your eyes suggest… I know this isn't about you, but since I'm the one doing the paying I should be the… No?


The beginning, right. At the beginning was the light. Ha ha. Where's your sense of humor? What? You think this is not going to work? You are giving up on me already? That was fast. And I was just beginning to like you, you know. I am driving you crazy, I can tell. I just hope that you won't pull a gun on me like that shrink did in that TV series… What was it? Whatever. Okay, I will talk.

To be continued.

The image was taken from here.

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