Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Maria Polidouri - Before Dawn

Today just before the light came out and alighted the sky
Some bells I’ve heard toll in a town far and away.
Bells; why have I noticed them? I felt as if the last breaths of the night
Were setting out in dismay to spread hatred all over the land.

Where, alas, have I abandoned my sweet, childish soul?
At what time, with which bell’s sound have I left it knitted?
At what time… Alas, today to say my silent prayer
On bended knees I rested and in sorrow.

A prayer to beauty, I whispered, to the forgotten mother,
To ignorance, to smile, to a dream’s voice,
While listening to today’s sullen bell
That tolled in grief as if for an untimely death.

© For the translation: Lakis Fourouklas

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